Untitled, graphite on Yupo paper, 50 x 31cm

'I transform sound in order to highlight its original contours and meanings'. (Westerkamp, 1996)

I use the method of soundwalking to create my drawings and prints. In a similar way to the Canadian composer Hildegard Westerkamp, I am also transforming sound to highlight particular contours and meanings that appear as marks. Westerkamp's transformation of found sound, intertwined with her imagination, creates a poetical experience of a journey through a particular city, tracing its way through various states of awareness.

'A sounding happens. The sound continues or is followed or joined by another sound. The trajectory of sounding gradually constitutes a long line of soundings that is perceived as a shape or form that is music. Within that trajectory are myriad decisions that are intuited and join to refer back to the initial sounding and forward to the ending sound.' (Oliveros, 2016, p. 89)

One sound (cacophony), graphite on paper, 50 x 55cm

Archive 2018/2019