'Sound flows, as wind blows, along irregular, winding paths, and the places it describes are like eddies, formed by circular movement around rather than a fixed location within. To follow sound, that is to listen, is to wander the same paths.' (Ingold, 2007, p.12)

In pursuing my practice in drawing I think of it as a continuation of writing music and composition. I step into a room and normally it is sound that hits me first, distinguishes one form from another. The idea of sculpting a form from the surface has been recurring, making me think of a sound that dissipates before replaced by another. 

The Visual Score Project

I founded The Visual Score Project at the end of 2021 as an opportunity to collaborate with fellow musicians through an exploration of mark making. The multiplicity of printmaking has enabled me to share my work as a visual score to be exchanged for a sonic interpretation of the original soundwalk.

Based in London, I finished my MFA in Printmaking at Camberwell College of Art in 2021 and exhibited as part of London Grads Now 2021 at Saatchi Gallery. In 2011 I formed the twice Mercury Award nominated band Savages and have since worked with various musicians including Adam Sherry and Sam Sherry. In 2017 I recorded and released ‘EP1’ from my solo project Bashan. I continue to work with Sam Sherry in duo form.